Brasserie D'Orval - Trappist Ale

Sunday, April 3, 2011 por | | |

Brasserie D'Orval -  Trappist Ale
Orval Trappist Ale is brewed by monks for people who are filled with sin. Not that monks are without sin, but it is of a much lower caliber. My sin could kick a monk's sin's ass any day of the week. In any case, I expected a lot more out of this beer. The head and nose leave much to be desired (first impressions are a bitch) but the body is quite good. I guess I was just expecting more from the holiest people on earth. The carbonation is excessive so it needs to breathe for a while before it can be consumed. Other than that, this is an okay Belgian. I would pass on this one and pick up something with bigger balls. It is a good beer, don't get me wrong, but when I shell out the big bucks for Belgian beers I want my socks knocked off. God himself would be disappointed but he is a hard man to please. 3 out of 5. Don't drink it.

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Title: TMOH - Beer Review 33#: Orval

nformation About This Beer:

Brewery: Brasserie dOrval
Beer: Orval
Style: Belgian Ale
Location: Brewed by Brasserie dOrval, in Florenville - Villers-d.-Orval, Belgium.
ABV: 6,2%
Rating: 92/100

Thank you for watching and enjoy your beer! :)

Title: The Hopry Session # 23 Orval Beer Review

Information About This Beer:

Brewery: Brasserie dOrval
Beer: Orval
Style: Belgian Ale
Location: Villers d.-Orval, Belgium
ABV: 6.9%
Rating: 96/100


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