Welcome To My Schizoid Blog ;-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 por | | |
One minute I'm writing about health food, & the next booze & chocolate? So what's my deal? Well, I've got moods just like the rest of you. And I'm a Gemini. ;-) So, in emoticons, that means you might get either >:) or O:-), depending on which twin decides to check in at the appointed heure de blogging. ;-)

(Speaking of which, I think I'm going to cut out the little figurines from this website & perch them on my shoulder the next time the twins want to duke it out.)

Sometimes I feel like blogging about chocolate-covered goodies & other times, about food that's good for you! So, whichever category you like to read about, stick around, because this blog will have a bit of both!

Now I know I've said on previous occasions that I was going to mainly focus on delicious & healthy, whole foods, but there are times when the >:) in me just has to blog about gourmet goodies too. After all, life isn't all applesauce & oatmeal. ;-)

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