"What?!? Fucking Mexican food again? What the hell?" Sorry douche bag but you are going to have to live with it. Sorry I didn't make some Frenchie poofter dish with hints of lavender or some other bullshit like that. Since you can't cook anyway what the fuck difference does it make? This delightful dish is along the same strain of the enchilada, burrito, and mini quesadilla but with one twist: chipotle. Let's begin:
Dice up three canned chipotle peppers and mix with 1/2c sour cream. If you wish, you can also add some of the sauce from the can. If you are a total sissy you can use fewer peppers. Let it sit for a few minutes.
Add one can of beans, one can of corn, and an assload of cheddar cheese. Stir really well. Roll into burritos and place in a shallow casserole dish. You can tell it is shallow because it wears slutty clothes and hangs out at trendy nightclubs. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.
Top with salsa and more cheddar cheese. Remember to use pot holders while handling the hot dish, dumbass. Return to oven for another five minutes. "Do I count the time it takes to put the salsa and cheese towards the total cooking time?" I really need to get new friends. I am sick and tired of these asinine questions that I am partially convinced are just asked to get a rise out of me. You already know the answer jackass, and if you don't you have no business cooking in the first place.
Dinner is served. Garnish with some fresh cilantro and you have yourself another crappy Mexican dinner. You know you love it. Eat it.
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