Salmon, Cream Cheese, and Jalapeno Quiche

Saturday, April 9, 2011 por | | |

So if you happen to read this regularly (because you have nothing better to do with your pathetic existence), you already know I have a mild obsession with quiche. You also know I make the best fucking pie crusts the world has ever seen. Well, today I decided to try something a little different. Rather than make my normal flour and butter crust, I made a potato crust. It turned out pretty damn well and was really easy to make so I figured I would share. Let's begin:
Salmon, Cream Cheese, and Jalapeno QuicheGrate 4 red potatoes and squeeze out all the excess moisture between paper towels. If you are some type of Al Gore-obsessed, Birkenstock-wearing, Prius-driving, re-usable bag-toting, hippie who buys into the myth of "global climate change," I guess you can use dish towels. Saute your grated potato with some butter for a minute until it gets a little mushy. Butter up a pie pan and press your potato into it with your fingers. Put that bitch in the fridge.
Salmon, Cream Cheese, and Jalapeno QuicheWhen your crust has cooled, place dollops of cream cheese all over the bottom and cover with salmon. It can be smoked or cooked salmon as long as it is safe to eat before you put it in the pie (i.e. do not put raw salmon in the pie, dumbass). Top with fresh, diced jalapeno. Whisk up 5 eggs with some sour cream and a dash of water. Pour over.
Salmon, Cream Cheese, and Jalapeno QuichePut that sucker in the oven at 375 deg for ~45 min. At about the 30 minute mark I had to loosely cover it with tin foil because the top was already done. Remember to wait for the center puff. That is how you know it is perfect and this my friends, is perfect. Eat it.

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