Moon Pizza IV - Sausage Bread

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I picked up four Italian hot pork sausages at the market this morning and I decided to cook them up and place them inside some bread dough with a little freshly grated Parmesan and bake that bad boy. So basically I made another fucking moon pizza for lunch. I am getting much better that putting these finicky bastards together as the pictures will demonstrate. This one came out perfectly and I am really only posting this to show off. Let's begin:
Moon Pizza IV - Sausage BreadMake sure you sausage is cooked, dumbass. Don't attempt to put raw sausage in your dough. If it goes in raw, it will come out raw. Cover with cheese.
Moon Pizza IV - Sausage BreadSee how far I have come from my first moon pizza? This looks professional as shit! Damn I am good. Eat it.

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