Irish Flag Pizza

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 por | | |

Top of the afternoon to ya! Today is the Catholic holy day of drinkin' and fightin'. By now you are probably so hammered you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground but I will give this a go nonetheless. I made this pizza a few days ago and today, St. Paddy's Day, I had some leftovers and I was like "HOLY SHIT! This is like the Irish flag." So I didn't plan it but it worked out in my favor. Let's begin:

Irish Flag Pizza To make the crust, dissolve 1 packet of active dry yeast and 1tsp sugar in 1c of hot water. This process takes about ten minutes or until it looks like the above picture. "This sounds complicated. Can't I get some Boboli premade crusts?" Does nothing get through to you? This is actually very easy and it is way cheaper so fucking try it. You will never go back.

Irish Flag Pizza Once the yeast has dissolved stir in 2 1/2c bread flour (I used whole wheat), 2+tbl Vegetable oil, and 1tsp salt until completely combined. You can probably use regular flour here but no guarantees. If you find the dough too dry and difficult to work with, add more vegetable oil genius. Roll it out to desired thickness and size. Don't fret your little self over making it look perfect. Roll the outside in a little to form the edge of the crust.

Irish Flag Pizza Make spinach pesto; Blend 2c spinach, 1/8+c Olive Oil, 2 cloves garlic, 2 tbl pine nuts or walnuts, 1/4tsp basil. Add1/4c parmesan, and a sprinkle of salt: blend. Spread on prepared pizza crust as seen above. I told you this was easy.

Irish Flag Pizza Cover with mozzarella cheese and no you cannot use that Costco size package of string cheese you have. Add toppings of choice. If you are using meat make sure it is safe to consume BEFORE putting on pie.

Irish Flag Pizza
450 deg and 15 min later you got yourself the Irish flag on an Italian pie. "Where is my corned beef and cabbage recipe?!?!?!?" You want the recipe? Here it is. Fill Big pot with water: add corned beef hunk, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Cook all damn day. Get so tanked you cannot even eat. You happy now?

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Title: Bottoms Up: Irish Mule

A St. Patty's Day treat with the Irish Mule and Irish Flag.

Irish Whiskey
Root Ginger
Lime Juice
Brown Sugar
Ginger Beer
Lime Wedge
Mint Sprig
Green Creme de Menthe
Bailey's Irish Cream

Irish Mule:
-Crush Root Ginger into glass
-1 tsp. Brown Sugar
-3/4 oz. Lime Juice
-Add Ice
-1 3/4 oz. Irish Whiskey
-Strain into glass with ice
-Top off with Ginger Beer
-Garnish with Mint Sprig & Lime Wedge

Irish Flag:
-Equal parts Green Creme de Menthe
-Bailey's Irish Cream

Original Air Date: 03/13/2008
Original View Count: 332

Title: Irish Flag Shooter

Welcome to Ireland! Okay, well, we're making a layered (pousse cafe) shooter that resembles the flag of Ireland. We've got creme de menthe with irish cream on top of it and a little grand marnier topping.


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