Kings Ridge - 2007 Oregon Pinot Noir
Monday, April 11, 2011 por
irish food,
irish food recipes,
lcbo food and drink,
new drink recipes,
pork chop recipes
| Once again in some delusional, ass backwards mindset I picked up a shitty non-Willamette Valley wine in hopes it would be good. This time it bit me in the ass. This wine was fucking foul; Transients would turn it down. After sipping on this, Mad Dog 20/20 mango flavor was actually starting to sound pretty good. But while looking at the label I began to think it looked awfully similar to the not so bad Underwood Cellars. Then I did a little sleuthing and found out that they are both owned by Union Wine Company. Way to fuck up and be super inconsistent, geniuses. They are probably using the same...