An award!

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An award!
When I embarked on this crazy journey of food blogging, the last thing I expected was to meet so many wonderful people from all over the world.  They are just as obsessed with food as I am and are simply good people.  Over the past week, I have been incredibly honored by four fellow food bloggers who deemed my blog worthy of receiving the Kreativ Blogger award.  Thank you so much to Amanda of Nourish, Miranda of My Food & Life Encounters, Jenn of Bread & Butter, and Ellie of Almost Bourdain.  I receive so much inspiration from their blogs.  Please check them out.  You won't be sorry.

Now, there are some rules that go along with receiving the Kreative Blogger award (yes Dad, I know that's not how you spell creative).  

1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the the person who nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on the 7 blog to let them know they have been nominated.

So, 7 things you may find interesting.  Hmm, should I include my lengthy criminal record or my time spent on Bora Bora with a tribe of cannibals?  Yeah, yeah - just kidding.

1. I grew up in Vancouver, Canada, which is where my heart truly is.  However, I have been honored to live in the United States for the past 15 years.

2. Food blogging, though I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on it, is not my full-time job.  My husband and I are consultants for families who wish to set up intensive behavioral programs for their children with autism.  We are dedicated to helping these amazing children reach their full potential.  

3. When I was in my early twenties, I backpacked around Europe for 6 months by myself, meeting up with friends and family along the way.  What an amazing experience!  Each morning I would open up my train schedule and ask myself, "Where should I go today?"  Ahh, youth.

4. I have been bungee jumping two times.  The first time was off of a crane in Auckland, New Zealand.  The second time was off of a bridge at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.  The falls look completely different when you're hanging upside down.

5. I have played the flute since I was 9 years old.  I actually majored in music for a couple of years until I realized that playing the flute to get a degree was taking all the enjoyment out of it for me.  Now I play for my own amusement.  I'm able to forget about everything else when I'm playing.

6. A VERY long time ago, I was into acting.  I had an agent, headshot, the whole she-bang.  I had a lead part in two episodes of a CBC (Canadian)/Disney channel show called Danger Bay and a bit part in 21 Jump Street (yep, I got to meet the gorgeous - and very polite - Johnny Depp).

7.  I saved the best for last.  I am the wife of a wonderful, supportive man and the mother of two amazing boys.

The 7 bloggers that I would like to pass this award to are:

2. Nick of Macheesmo
3. Kevin of Closet Cooking
4. Michael & Jessi of Chef Fresco
5. Giao at Kiss my Spatula
6. Elissa at 17 and Baking
7. Reeni at Cinnamon & Spice

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