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You read correctly people. Bacorn: bacon wrapped corn. I was taunted by one of you losers after positively reviewing a chocolate beer and this psychopath suggested I wrap more shit in bacon. Not a bad idea, for a crazy. So this bacon wrapped corn goes out to you, dumbass. Let's begin:

Bacorn Wrap your motherfucking corn in some motherfucking bacon. Pull it tight and make sure all the seams are on the bottom. If you do not take these steps into serious consideration your bacorn will be all sorts of fugly, like your mom.
450 deg for 30 min. This ended up being one of the best breakfasts ever. I would love to try this on the grill. Eat it.

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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.

Title: Harness Racing in New Jersey, Racing For Time (Part Three)

Part 3 of 4

Student documentary by Emily Murphy and Brandon Bacorn about the horse racing industry of New Jersey, what it's worth to the state and why we can't afford to lose it. Filmed in Spring of 2010.

See the official Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association video here:

Title: Bacorn and Acorn

My awesomely awesome dogs... digging


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