cape gooseberries

cape gooseberries
cape gooseberries
cape gooseberries
real excitement at the grocery today. a wonderful tart sweet fruit we can never ever find appeared today. barely edible-looking cape gooseberries are a wonderful treat. and they are nothing like regular gooseberries from the farmer's market in the summer. a completely different animal (berry). whenever the gods of grocery inventory are able to provide them, we will partake. usually we see them in london. we clearly have a serious exotic fruit habit in this household. in defense i can say only that there are far worse vices. seriously.  cape gooseberries look like a cross between a tomatillo and and an orange cherry tomato. but they taste like a cross between a passion fruit and a guava and a tomatillo. or something like that. high in vitamins a and c, iron and phosphorous. great in fruit salad. or on their own. store in the fridge. okay, all this talk about cape gooseberries... i am going to go and eat a few right now. so pleasingly tart.

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